Vi Crib sheet.

Command	  	memonic	    Before/After	Use

***			Leaving

  :q		quit		c/-		Quit (leaves vi).		

***			Adding text.

   i      	insert	  	c/i		Insert text before the cursor
   a	  	append	   	c/i		Insert text after the cursor
   R	  	replace	    	c/i 		Overwrite text after the cursor.

   o		open-line	c/i		Insert new line below the cursor
   O		open-line	c/i		Insert new line above the cursor

   <Esc>	escape		i/c		Leave insert mode.

***			Saving
  :w		write		c/c		Write out file (save).
  :w foo	write		c/c		Write out file to foo (save as).
  :e foo	edit		c/c		Edit new file (named buffers are unaffected)
  :e#		edit last	c/c		Edit the previously open file. 
***			Movement

 h   l		Cursor keys	c/c		Move up donwn left right when in c mode

   $		End		c/c		Move to end of line.
   0		Home		c/c		Move to the start of the line.	
   ^		Beginning	c/c		Move to the first charecter of the line.

  1G		Start		c/c		Move to the start of the document.
   G    	Finish		c/c		Move to the end of the document.

 44G		Goto		c/c		Goto line 44
   :44		Goto		c/c		Goto line 44

   H		top		c/c		Move to the top of screen.
   L		bottom		c/c		Move to the bottom of the screen 

***			Searching
 /<text>	search		c/c		Search for text.
 ?<text>	Back Search	c/c		Search backwards for text.
   n		next		c/c		next match on text.
   N		previous	c/c		previous match on text.

***			Copy, delete, paste.

  dd		delete line	c/c		Delete the current line (to buffer).
  dw		delete word	c/c		Delete current word.
  d$		delete rest	c/c		Delete from cursor to end of line. (also D)
   x		delete char	c/c		Delete the charecter under the cursor
   r		replace char	c/c		Replace the charecter under the cursor 

   u		Undo		c/c		Undo the last c
   .		Redo/Repeat	c/c		Redo the last c

  yy		yank line	c/c 		Copy line to buffer.
  y$		yank rest	c/c		Copy rest of line.
   p		paste		c/c		paste buffer.

  "ayy		named yank	c/c		yank to named buffer (a).
 5"ayy		multi yank	c/c		yank 5 lines to named buffer(a).
  "ap		named paste	c/c		paste from named buffer (a).